Plumtree Marketing, Inc.

You’ve got your marketing strategies, tactics and plans all figured out. At least on paper. However, now it’s time to execute, and you’ve got a problem. Your plans all require written content, but no one on your team has the experience or expertise (or, for that matter, the time or desire) to tackle the content writing.

The best and easiest solution: Call me and let me knock the content writing out of the park for you!

Want to have a blog and or newsletter to showcase your expertise and keep you top of mind with prospects and customers alike? I can write these in your voice, featuring your thoughts and examples, all based on interviews with you. With this approach all you need to do is talk. Then I'll take your brain dump and turn it into well-written articles you're proud to call your own!

Would being an author of a business, how-to or advice book help your business or career? I can write your nonfiction book for you, based on interviews with you.

Need targeted and effective text for your website, sales letters that actually sell, case studies that get prospects excited about your offerings or press releases to get the word out? You can count on me for all of these, too.

Words have extraordinary power. When you're ready to harness this power for your business, let's talk!